I recently read, what i thought to be a great blog by Cassie entittled Facebook: friend or foe to which i replyed via comment. It regarded the concept of facebook being a sinkhole, a vortex that flattens relationships into yes/no choices (Bruns, 2008). Secondly, it raised the issue of connectivity...and whether Facebook does infact connect people or rather help randoms spy upon unsuspecting individuals....
Well, while writing this delightful assignment this afternoon, I was listening to the news broadcast on the radio...(multitasking) ..and suprise suprise, facebook made the daily news!!! And for what reason you may ask???
Nothing else other than the one and only concept of Connectivity!!
Carl Williams, the infamous leader /notorious murderer of the gangland war in Melbourne during the 70/80/90's is keeping up to date with the world and staying 'in touch' inside of his solitary confinement...via FACEBOOK!!!
So does this mean that these people want to be associated with one of Australias serial murderers or that they simply want to boost their friend count to be more popular??? How does being friends with Carl Williams make you popular?? Or could it be because they think that if they become a friend of Carls, he will openly confess all his deepest, darkest secrets...which, whether you choose to believe it or not, have already been portrayed in the channel nine hit tv series....UNDERBELLY.... Prey tell me someone...
So apparently, even in the most adverse situations, facebook is helping individuals keep in contact with the rest the world....
Curiousty has got the better of me and I admit that once i sign off here that i will most likely check it out...I'm gonna presume that there will be no security measures on it, no doubt Carl most likely hates security at the moment...mainly due to the fact, it is what will keep him locked in a tiny cell for the remainder of his life...And if not, the thought of requesting to be one of his friends will most likely present itself...all so i can see in the profile that is...of Carl Williams!
Actually i couldn't wait....this is the link for CARL WILLIAMS FACEBOOK.....
So apparently he has more than 900 friends....try 2,654 at last count and apparently its gonna take a week to accept all the friend requests...so lets has it as a guess that in a week he will have 3000+ friends....
So if u want to stay 'connected' there's the link ;)