Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How online communities organise themselves...

As technology has advanced, so has the use of technology. Virtual Cultures have emerged, where communities have formed forums, where very political, sociological and economical debates are facilitated. Within the world of computer-mediated communication (CMC), people are more at ease to speak their minds, disagree with others and work constructively on a specific topic to produce a desired result.

Flew recognises that online communites provides a platform for people to share common interests to them...however uncommon to the people in their physical can have a secret / double identity...

However, in saying that....flew also states that technology would be nothing but a mechanical process if it were not for the use of it..therefore these communities, the users....give life to technology, by using the developing programs and web 2.0...
So how do the communities organise themselves...

Through a common can one singular interest and they can start a relationship with a complete stranger through a community .... which is naturally impossible in the 'real world.'

Such interests can be fandom, avatars, economics, politics, dating sites, research sites, hobbies, fantasies, weird but wonderful obsessions....somewhere on the WWW, a community exits that anyone can be a part of...and if not, its simple to start your own....

Online Communities exist in a free environment, with no constraints, boundaries or administrators preventing them from doing what they wish...and most important...its free from the normal rules and regulations of traditional society that we expereince in physical human contact / relationships.

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